zm_canals how to get campers on the wood planks


Well-Known Member
15 Jun 2022
just a quick way to kill campers as a solo when there is nobody to runboost you or if there is a sudden opportunity

definitely not easy, especially with a full server and people shooting you away but you can always give it a try.

technical tips:

1. knowing how to pre strafe is essential to get enough speed to land ONTO the plank, a pre strafe is that weird movement i do before i do my first jump

2. when jumping off the slope to get the speed boost (the 2nd jump), its important to try and face the direction the slope is facing to get more speed (for reference check the screenshot) and also to jump off of it as low as possible.

Screenshot 2024-04-22 130837.png

3. dont hit the boxes, rest should be self-explanatory

good luck trying it out!
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